When it comes to civil litigation, the businesses, individuals and other entities have been given the authority to use the courts in order to settle arguments. The civil litigation cases are private disagreements wherein the parties seek a money judgment or some other solution from a magistrate. Attorney Dan DeKoter Lawyer practices in civil litigation and says that any case that is not a criminal prosecution is classified as civil litigation.
Taking A View Over Civil Litigation Cases With the Help of Dan DeKoter Lawyer
Mentioned below are some of the civil litigation cases in which the individual can be involved either as a defendant, the party against whom a lawsuit is filed, plaintiff or as the party filing the lawsuit:
Breach of contract: As the name suggests; this means one party fails to fulfill the contractual obligations to the contract. This can take place in case a party does not perform in agreement with the terms of the agreement, fails to perform within the time frame stated in the contract, or fails to perform at all. On the other hand if the other party can fulfill her duties under the contract, then this party is permitted to lawful remedies for breach of contract.
Personal injury or tort: In case a person is injured because of the careless conduct of another individual then that person has the authority to file a lawsuit for compensation. This type of cases can arise from slip and fall accidents, motor vehicle accidents, damages caused by faulty products etc.
Property disputes: In case of property dispute civil litigation the remedy can be something more than money. For instance, a property owner claiming intrude by a neighboring owner might ask a magistrate to allow an order to prevent future infringements.
Landlord and tenant disputes: Usually, one of the most common disputes between landlord and tenant is evictions and this could end up in front of a judge as a civil litigation case.
Divorce and family law: Arguments and fights rising out of family relations are the kinds of civil litigation cases such as separation, divorce, support and domestic violence, child custody etc.
These are some of the cases when you need to hire a civil attorney. As a dedicated attorney, Daniel DeKoter offers an array of reliable services to his clients and endeavors to meet their legitimate needs.
Apart from having experience in civil litigation, Dan DeKoter Lawyer has experience in employment and business law, and administration and estate planning. Prior to starting working as a professional, he has completed his graduation from Calvin College with a degree in English and Philosophy and has received the juries doctorate from the University of Iowa. He is at present working as a partner at Dekoter, Thole, Dawson & Rockman, PLC based in Sibley, IA.
If you need to file a lawsuit it is very much recommended that you seek the help of a civil attorney like Daniel DeKoter. As a civil attorney he can help you navigate the complex court system and make sure that you do not miss any vital time limits.